She Is The Music 🦋 

In the Spring of 2020, I was disappointed as the live sound opportunities I was exploring were canceled due to COVID-19. However, She Is The Music, a non-profit headed by Alicia Keys, opened an application for a virtual mentorship program. I was selected as one of 36 young women and non-binary people from over 600 applicants to be paired with a music executive for eight weeks.

From June to August, I met weekly with my mentor, Jacqueline Reynolds-Drumm, a top booking agent at ICM. Together we explored my passions and directions for career development. During the program, I created a plan to “poach” one of my favorite artists, Mereba, from her current agency and presented this at a mock singing meeting with Yves Pierre, Jacqueline's teammate.

In addition to the project, I connected with influential women working in artist relations, management, songwriting, production, and education through program-wide Zoom calls. I also meaningfully expanded my network with the other young women looking to enter the industry.

You can check out my project on Google Drive and meet my fellow mentees on Instagram.